Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I dont rememeber mentioning it as a hot new release andy, i think i just spoke on how sick it is, along with a few others like colin monroe and drakes, Cannonball, or Wale on Pot of Gold, or Brother Ali's verse on 2nd time around. BUt anyway i realized something, i cant listen to bad music. You know how some time a shitty ass song will come on and you will be in the car with some one and u arent in shotgun to change it u just bare it? well i really cant bare it anymore, i think it was the fact that playlists or cds are so easy to make now, good music is so accessable, and good weed even more so. but to me bad music has formed the sound of that annoying static you hear when you are out of reception of a radio station, ut u still leave it on that station because it is playing a semi decent song. all the bad music on my ipod i skip through so i only really end up listening to a few things on it, i wanna have a spring cleanin for it where i just get rid of all the bad music. I have dizzie rascal on my ipod man- it woke me up this morning through the alarm ive been using on my ipod, and that time when u try to force yourself back into ur dream was ruined. ruined. im procrastinating, i just wish i could take this test already. -the blog about nothing