Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jeff Buckley - Mama you've been on my mind

Dylan and Joan Baez - Daddy, You've Been on My Mind

Jeff Buckley - Lover, You Should've Come Over

Kate Upton

kate-upton-guess-shoot by EgotasticMedia

Overdoz. - You're Blowin It ft. Emon (NSFW) from OverDoz. on Vimeo.

OverDoz - Live For, Die For (Click for DL) #DEST

Warmest regards to my dear friend Jess who is in this group and is a diplomat for the west coast and the JBC's #DEST movement.

Twin Baby Boys Having A Conversation - Watch more Funny Videos
"A short walk in the light of the world...with breaks for coffee and snacks."


Frank - Come Fly With Me.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Alyssa MIller

Alyssa Miller Sexy Greg Kadel Videoshoot by EgotasticMedia

"Perhaps it is the color of the sun caught flying and covering … the crossroads I’m standing at or maybe it’s the weather or something like that but mama you’ve been on my mind."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

OverDoz - you're blowin it. (NSFW)

Overdoz. - You're Blowin It ft. Emon (NSFW) from OverDoz. on Vimeo.

I appreciate that my good friend Jess is living his dream in California making music. Dested.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Marz Love Joy - Love Bullet Gun

From her EP This Little Light of Mine

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

via Messai Bogale Belayneh's Facebook -
‎"Your car is German. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Ethiopian. Your shirt is Indian. Your oil is Saudi Arabian. Your electronics are Chinese. Your numbers are Arabic. Your letters are Latin. And you're complaining your neighbor is an immigrant?? Stop being delusional. Pull yourself together and embrace diversity!"

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Race to the Channel Islands.

Super envious of Filmmaker Ryan Sweeney. Living a charmed life out on the west coast making movies. Short film here portraying the benefits of traveling in an ecofriendly manner. Don't miss the party. Keep winning.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011